Thursday 6 September 2012

How to makw wind power an Alternative power.

How to make wind power an Alternative power,

With so much concern about the environment, our dwindling supply of fossil fuels, and the ever increasing oil and energy prices, now is the perfect time to switch to a continuous supply of renewable energy. Alternative energy sources, such as, wind or solar will be the energy of tomorrow due to its endless supply. Today we will look at Wind Driven Energy and How to make wind power generators of your own.

Modern living requires a massive amount of energy that is depleting our earth of fossil fuels.The power of the wind has been around since the beginning of time, it was first used to power ships across the oceans before engines were available.

There are two basic types of wind turbines that you may wish to try if you are thinking of how to make wind power. the horizontal-axis , like the the old farm windmills that were used to pump water and the vertical-axis, shaped like an eggbeater. Most modern day wind turbines are horizontal-axis turbines.The amount of renewable energy these turbines produce can provide us with an endless supply of energy, far more than we consume.

Wind turbines are rated by wind speed and some manufactures use different wind speeds to determine their rating so you must do your home work before you buy. Look for the average wind speed rating , not the maximum wind speed rating.

Wind varies in strength from one location to the next, the higher the wind speed the more power you will produce, most recommend a minimum of 6-8 mph wind with 13 mph. being ideal. Your property should be clear of obstructions and be sure to check with your local city zoning commission before you start.

Wind turbines are a great source of power as long as there is wind. You will not be able to determine how much power you will produce on a given day because of the varience in wind speed. Unlike solar panels that produce power with or without direct sun light, wind turbines are totally dependent on the wind.

Once you know how to make wind power generators, the payback period will range from 5-7 years depending on your usage, but after that time you will have free power from then on. Plus you will be eligible for a 30% Federal tax credit, your states tax credit and possibly a credit from your utility company.

In choosing a wind turbine look at the warranty period, the company and manufacturer and check references from previous customers. Buy the best turbine you can afford, this is a major investment so do not rush it, the more knowledgeable you are, the better off you will be. So if you really want to start saving money on your electric bills learn How to make wind power generators.

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