Saturday, 27 October 2012

How to make wind power and why

How to make wind power and why

Is wind turbine electricity the future of renewable energy? Of course you have heard all about renewable energy resources. No matter where you stand on politics, left right or in the middle, the fact is we must move away from using fossil fuels to make our electricity. Currently, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, 90 percent of 2008 energy production came from nonrenewable sources. Think about that. Nonrenewable means it will run out at some point in the future. As supply diminishes prices will go up, perhaps way up. We must begin now to switch to renewable power sources. With all of the talk surrounding wind energy you may wonder if it is a viable green energy solution or just hype. Lets take a look at 3 reasons why wind turbine electricity is a major part of our energy future.

1. Wind turbines can be used in most areas of the country. Wind blows everywhere and every day. Most areas receive enough wind to economically generate electricity based on today's cost of production.
2. Costs. As we burn through our existing nonrenewable energy supplies the cost of those supplies will rise. This will make wind energy an even greater bargain 20 to 30 years from now. An investment into wind turbine electricity today secures tomorrows energy independence.
3. Good for the environment and our health. Wind generated electricity does not pollute the atmosphere like a coal fired electric generating plant. Nor does it have the risks, both operating and future storage of waste materials, that nuclear power plants do.
 Why are we not moving faster to implement wind generated electricity? The government, despite what both presidential candidates promised in the past elections, has not made this a major priority. On a commercial basis it takes a large amount of capital to set up wind farms. The banking crisis has made borrowing money quite difficult as bankers just are not lending money at the rate they once did. Another factor is the "not in my neighborhood" syndrome. People complain about the high cost of electricity, but when a solution is presented they often complain about the solution.
See some Amazing wind powered gadgets here.
Witness the fuss the Cape Wind project has created. This proposed wind farm, to be built in Nantucket Sound, has met with vigorous opposition from the New England area. An area that pays well above the national average cost for their electricity. So what can you do? Take matters into your own hands and install your own wind generation system. A commercially installed system capable of replacing the electricity you now buy will run in the $8,000-15,000 price range. If that seems high, consider building your wind turbine, which is the most expensive part of a wind power system. Due to advances in design and technology you can purchase the parts necessary for a few hundred dollars and just a few hours of construction time.

Do it yourself wind turbine electricity is definitely a worthwhile investment. If you go the route of building your own wind power system, you must make sure you have clear, detailed plans. Be careful, much of what is available online has been written by part time hobbyists and they leave out many crucial details. Search for plans written by folks that actually work in the wind power industry.
For the most complete reviews and FREE PLANS , go here ...



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