Friday, 28 December 2012

How to make wind power generators

How to make wind power generators

Over time the world has become aware that the climate is changing. The recent floods that have affected large tracts of land were clear indications that the weather patterns are not the same as they were in the past. We get hotter in some areas while other places get wetter. Some areas will get drier and windier. These changes have caused unusual events like extreme flooding.
Climate is a broad issue and there are still a lot of arguments about the factors behind it. One pretty clear truth is that humans continue to use fossil fuels to produce energy. It is the coal, the oil and gas, that are used to run a car, operate factories and move ships to distant lands across the ocean. The energy that produces most of the electricity in many nations is coming from fossil fuels.
It has been established that these sources are the primary culprit that produces greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and traps the heat instead of releasing it into space. This trapped heat comes back into the system and affects the entire weather system just like we are experiencing right now.
It is about time that people began to use alternative energy. There are a lot of free energy sources that men can get out of nature. Constant sunshine is very abundant in many parts of the world. In other places there are areas that seldom see the sun during some of the seasons. Nevertheless, the sun is still an abundant source for energy.So learn how to make your own wind and solar power generators here.
Another equally abundant source of energy is the wind. The wind is everywhere. This is the most ideal alternative that every home should have as a source of energy. Ships hundreds of years ago used sails to propel them. The wind pushes the sail which causes the boat to move. Sails are still used today by a lot of boat enthusiasts.
You can build a wind turbine to capture the wind and convert it to power. This is the device that converts kinetic energy from wind to mechanical energy. When you build a wind turbine to produce electricity, this is known as a wind generator.
There are 2 types of designs you should consider if you want to build a wind turbine. The first is the vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). This turbine has the main rotor shaft arranged vertically. This is the design ideal for areas where the wind direction is variable. This doesn't have to be pointed into the wind for it to move, so it is an ideal device for turbines integrated into buildings or houses in the cities.
Wind turbines for home use must be installed high enough for wind to blow it, otherwise the walls and neighborhood roofs may affect its functionality. The other type of turbine is the horizontal axis (HAWT). This is the most common turbine that is seen in wind mills. This is the one with blades which serve as the propeller. This one needs to face the direction of the wind to function best.
Are you looking for the best way to generate your own power? Be sure to visit my site for more information on how to build your own and download FREE Plans here . Click Here.

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